Lotus Community
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
Mission: We are a community of individuals embodying our divine sovereign nature, honoring the sacredness& the creative
intelligence within all living being. We care for our body, our planet ,all species that are alive and we do our
part to be the example of walking in peace and creating a better healthier world. We stand with awareness and walk
together as equals. We invite all who are called to remember, know, feel, be, create, share and thrive in our highest
expression of joy and abundance. We ask that we all bring forth our uniqueness with our gifts, wisdom, experience to
create this master peace reality. We provide space for healing and creative expression and we encourage experiences
that support loving relationships, regenerative living, gift economics,
health and well being.
From www.ic.org/directory/lotus-community/:
We are still in the process of creating the community.If you could do anything and monetary system was not involved What would you do? to take care of needs, wants?
What excites you ?What turns you on ? What are you passionate about ? What motivates, inspires and empowers you ?
What gifts, wisdom ,experience, skills would you love to share with the world?
I am we are envisioning a world where we all thrive in abundance. I have spent the last 14 years connecting with others and started many groups all starting with conscious conversation on topics similar to these.
I am now one of the new co-operating co-owner-member of Lotus Mountain Retreat located in Bolton Valley, Vermont .
This project is one of a kind. Our intention and Vision here @ Lotus is to be a model for Ubuntu living .
What does this mean ? For our vision to be shared many videos have been made to inform, empower and inspire others to remember, know, feel, be, create, share, thrive !
Here is a video @ https://youtu.be/kM6XjO-pD_Q
We are co-creating a blueprint for a new social structure, a new system, a new reality, without the need for any violence, opposition, resistance, or conflict or the monetary system. All the socio-economic structures of our individual countries have failed us dramatically. It is time to collaborate together to create a better model so that all living beings live in harmony with all living beings.
Every day we witness a continued assault on our people and the world around us, orchestrated by the global elite who have taken control, of every aspect of our existence. Every single one of us, rich or poor, is born into life-long slavery and bondage from which there is no escape under the current system. Most of us know that the system we are born into does not serve humanity, but very few of us know what to do to change it.
We can no longer sit idly, watching the destruction of our people, our communities, our countries, and our human potential, by greedy corporations supported by governments with no remorse for their actions, or accountability to the people they are supposed to serve. We can no longer sit silently, hoping that someone will do something to stop this assault on our liberties and future prosperity. It has fallen on the shoulders of the common people, to unite and create a new way...a new system...a future filled with abundance and prosperity for ourselves and our children. We are creating a totally new system free from economic slavery... where we turn competition into collaboration... a new social structure where we all benefit from our collective efforts and individual talents... a new world where people are put before profits, and the resources & materials are used to enrich all our lives.
We Would you like to meet with others who are interested in taking our life , our experience, our consensus reality to another level ?
We look Forward to connecting with you !
Namaste, In lakech, ala kin.
- Address
- Physical Address
- Richmond,, Vermont
- United States