Strowler Enterprises
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near Poulsbo
- In Poulsbo
- In Washington
Mission: Recreational public space for special events. We are also a proving ground for developing eco-friendly technology and innovative construction.
Both residential and guest facilities will be ADA-compliant.
The property draws its primary supporting revenue from hosting large crowd events such as festival camping, equestrians, SCA & LARPing, veteran's retreats, spiritual gatherings, weddings, theatrical/music shows, and sex-positive groups. Cabins designed for alter-abled access will be a prominent and unique feature.On-site stables, adirondack platforms, and permanent biffies with running water and showers are planned campsite amenities. A small (200-300 seating) amphitheater performance stage is planned for shows. Premium cabins and tree-houses based on custom fantasy and sci-fi designs will draw additional tourism. As resident owners, we are responsible for maintaining guest facilities.
We will keep livestock and a garden to supplement our food. At first, it will be neccesary for members to keep their outside employment. Combined with the initial revenue, building up the infrastructure will happen rapidly. As we become less dependent on outside income, the event space will generate all supporting revenue, to make profit-sharing possible. Our business model is designed to become self-supporting within five years.
- Address
- Physical Address
- Poulsbo, Washington
- United States