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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.


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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: A community of lay Buddhist practitioners who are looking to deepen their practice together. While meanwhile living together with nature.


We, in the Western world, live in a way, at least most of us, that is not conducive to practice. We are bombarded with imagery, with false ideals and persuasive marketing. Especially for us beginners it is difficult to remain mindful for a day, let alone remain mindful for a few hours. Times have changed, for better or for worse, but I think it is quite obvious, that we need to reassess our living conditions if we want to deepen our practice.

This has triggered me into thinking about different ways to live, ways which are more conducive for practice. Ways which actually enhance practice. And that is were Nissarana comes in.


In my mind Nissarana is community of likeminded people who are willing to practice together, but also at times alone in noble silence. Nissarana will be a community at heart, in which to share and learn, but where there is also space to take time for yourself, to go out for a personal retreat, if that is necessary.

In this modern society there are less and less ways to live, especially if this is 'Religiously' inclined. Of course, nowadays it is still possible for a Buddhist practitioner to go into 'homelessness' by joining a Monastery.

Though there seems nothing 'in between', like a community for lay practitioners. Who are at the start of their spiritual careers, who would like to follow their own path.

Nissarana should not be like a monastery, in the sense that there are strict guidelines. There is practice, but practitioners are solemnly responsible for their own development and in a style in which they would like to practice.


Residents form a Sangha, but everybody works individually on their own practices. There is freedom to pursue your own path within the Buddhist framework. There is a common practice, like meditation, discussion and study, but this is really ones own responsibility.

The community and the philosophy is based on that which all Buddhist practitioners have in common, Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, Five Precepts etc.

One should also be open for different kinds of practice, have respect for different Buddhist approaches, early or late Buddhism. Different Buddhist approaches have developed by interaction with different cultures, one way of practice might work for one person, but might not work for the other. In Nissarana we will look together for the approach that will fit us best.


An important aspect of Nissarana is an open and compassionate attitude towards other communities at large. If we can start and build this community we are privileged. Therefore we should give back. In whichever way this will be I am not yet sure, this should be discussed together with the future community. But I think the possibility of a personal retreat should be open for everyone.

Physical Address
Arganil, Coimbra