Universalus Intentional Community
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near 2B Oakway Rd Timonium
- In Timonium
- In zip code 21093
- In Maryland
Mission: This group is forming. We wish to be a diverse community of all ages living sustainably with care, consideration and love for all creatures who have evolved on this earth. Next meetup, our 2nd. We wish to establish goals. October 22, 7pm. 2B Oakway Rd, Timonium, Md.
From www.ic.org/directory/universalus-intentional-community/:
This community wishes to establish a community of secular dharma practitioners. Living in harmony and care with individuals of common core values.Here is the thesis:
Intentional Community
Theses of dharma
• We are committed to the practice of the dharma.
• The practice of the dharma consists of four tasks: to embrace suffering, let go of reactivity, behold the ceasing of reactivity and to cultivate an integrated way of life.
• All persons, irrespective of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability or religion can practice these four tasks. Each person, in each moment, has the potential to be more awake, responsive, and free.
• The practice of the dharma is more concerned with how one speaks, acts and works in public than how one performs spiritual exercises in private.
• The community honors the dharma teachings that have been passed down through different traditions while seeking to enact them creatively in ways appropriate to the flourishing of the community at large.
• The community of practitioners is formed of autonomous persons who mutually support each other in the cultivation of their paths. In this community of like-minded individuals, members respect the equality of all members while honoring the specific knowledge and expertise each person brings.
• The community and its members are committed to an ethics of care, founded on empathy, compassion, and love for all creatures who have evolved on this earth.
• The community and its practitioners seek to understand and diminish the roots of violence that are present in themselves and in the society and institutions at large.
• The community of dharma practitioners aspires to nurture a culture of awakening that finds inspiration in Buddhist and non-Buddhist, religious and secular sources alike.
S.B.; After Buddhism
Just as a farmer irrigates his field, Just as a fletcher fashions an arrow, Just as a carpenter shapes a piece of wood, So the sage tames the self.
Care is the path to the deathless; Carelessness the path to death. The caring do not die; The uncaring are as if already dead.
The sage moves through a village, Just as the bee gathers pollen, And flies off without harming, The flower, its color, or its fragrance. From the Dhammapada
- Address
- Physical Address
- 2B Oakway Rd
- Timonium, Maryland 21093
- United States