Data from: (if we've garbled it, blame us not them)

Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Wanderers End Sanctuary -TN

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: If you are tired of the rat race,

• with all the never-ending bills

• crime-infested neighborhoods

• GMO-poisoned foods

• lack of community support

Our mission is to guide you through to research and obtain the most logical, sustainable lifestyle that can be accomplished by an average community that works together. Our power as a community empowers us to accomplish more! The 1st step on the Wanderer’s path is to get to our online network that will help you get grouped together with others in your chosen location to purchase your shares. The earlier you get in the more seniority.


• wants to help save the world

• get a free off-grid super home to your family

• own your own business in an Eco Village

• Develop Self-Sufficiency Skills

• Divide and Conquer various Projects

• Privacy, but with trusted friends nearby

• Like-Minded Neighbors

• Thrive in Good Times & Bad

• Secure Prepper Retreat Nearby

• Far Easier to Take Vacations

• People are Social Creatures

•Permaculture•Aquaponics•Self Reliant

• MUCH Cheaper than doing it alone!

• Secluded/Hidden

• Accessible yet VERY Secure

• Great soil for growing food

• Decent year-round climate

• Usable Acreage

• Purpose-built, but still nice

Our Homestead Planned Features 85 percent free super community-built homes that are almost completely.....

hurricane proof, bulletproof, tornado proof, and will last forever with no utility bills!

Other Features

• Indoor greenhouse the cleans your air and grey waste-water while providing year round GMO-free food!

• Securable Perimeter

• 24x7x365 Security with Quiet peaceful gated community living

• Strategic Entrance Path / Choke Points

• Listening Posts / Observation Posts (LP/OPs)

• First Come First Serve on Acreage Selection

•Get in on the ground floor to learn from each other and train yourself to be better prepared!


•Existing Members Vote in New Members

•1/4 acre per share- 4 share limit 1 acre per house•All Documents/Easements/etc done 100% Legit

In today's world, to have neighbors that are Like-Minded - Priceless! Don't be lone wolf homesteaders that are Easy Prey for Serious Threats! WE Preppers are people too. Relax. Live. Enjoy! VERY Family-friendly! We are all determined to work together to make our dreams happen.

If you possess the skills and manners that our community desires, then you will be given an invitation to apply for a membership in our group of families that are traveling convoy style cross-country to our acreage of Appalachian mountain land.

So here are a list of some of our desired traits for our members:
Website technicians
Web content writers
Fundraising Experts
Rock Musicians (a whole band would be nice)
Earthship Pirates
MLM marketers
MacGyver's & Bill Nye's
Camera crew and producer
Scientists and researchers

We are tired of the crime, the sliding family, community, educational and nutritional values, the rat race, endless bills for disposable homes that are only hurting planet and are ready to do something about it! Our dream is to pioneer a true Eco-village from scratch utilizing our simple, very effective plan. Just help others with their dreams.

It costs $200 to apply. If approved, up to 4 shares of membership will made available to you and your family. Each share comes with 1/4 acre of land and 1400 sq foot of shop and off-grid home for your family to enjoy in our private village. Your family will also get its own business, and free shopping for all of our village's goods plus numerous other benefits.

If interested please apply here and put CONVOY in spot for sponsor!



We are a group of like-minded individuals concerned about the earth’s destruction, the government's GMO foods, and how to survive both. We are a nonprofit research group with interests in sustainable community living. We research natural lifestyles, not to exclude internet or technology, but to make a life where you can be guilt-free of hurting the future for our children. Current projects are power from magnets for our homes and pyrolisis to fuel our vehicles.

The Tactical & Practical Community
Our communities are tactical because in the event of an emergency, you have a built-in survival group in place. Everyone will be skilled, geared, and ready to work together. Our community is very practical because there are numerous financial and cooperative benefits of homesteading near each other.

Join us! To become a shareholder, we only ask for a small monthly membership payment to be provided with an off-the-grid eco home, that is even mostly Bullet proof, shares in our grown GMO FREE produce, meats and other goods, 24/7, 365 security, fellowship and more!
You can pick your lot, then plan your house and we help build it utilizing our community construction process! We’re building a community with livestock, orchards, and gardens, community barn/tractor/etc.

We are now recruiting
families, to help to create & Run
a community-built,
sustainable Eco Village.

A New kind of Eco Village
that’s reaching for the 22nd century

By utilizing research of logical
methods for sustainable living,
we are establishing a healthier
relationship for living with the
earth & our communities.

Our plan just needs people…
A community that paves a new road to the American dream for those otherwise left behind.
Or just for people that want more.
This plan will change your life!

Physical Address
Clubb, Missouri
United States