Rose Creek Village
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near 999 Lola Whitten Rd Selmer
- In Selmer
- In zip code 38375
- In Tennessee
Mission: Follow Christ by his Spirit and love one another as He loves us.
Rose Creek Village, nestled among the rolling, wooded hills of west Tennessee, is home to an astonishing experiment in corporate living, with breathtaking results.
Can Americans get along? Can they give up their private dreams and goals and live for others? It was the claim of Jesus Christ that those who embrace his teachings, his Gospel, and his Life would be recognized by their enthusiastic love and togetherness. “Everyone will know you are my disciples by your love for one another,” he said.
Twenty five years ago a few men wondered if these things were true, and they gave themselves to God to find out. Many things have changed over those years. Many more men, women, and children have joined them, some have gone away, and we have had to learn both our weaknesses and God’s provision. We are still changing and learning, but we can now say unequivocally that the claims Jesus Christ made 2,000 years ago are true even in 21st century America.
We invite you to come and see the work God has done. We have found his Life to be a joyful one. We have learned that people are made to live as friends, caring for and serving one another. We have learned that children raised in such an environment are free, creative, daring, reliable, and filled with joy. While America has seen its share of communes filled with loose living and bizarre cults created by controlling religious fanatics, we have been told repeatedly that one look at our children at play is enough to prove this is not so at Rose Creek Village.
“And they steadfastly continued in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship and in breaking of bread and prayers. Every soul felt a sense of awe…all the believers were together, and they had everything in common… They broke bread from house to house, and they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with everyone.”
It is this beautiful picture that first captivated our hearts. We have had the delight to see it come into reality in our daily lives. Though we are human and we face the same struggles that others face, none of us ever struggles alone. The grace of God is very real to us, and the harmony we experience is only because of his presence among us.
You can learn more about us at our website. We are not extraordinary people—we are very real, ordinary people who had nothing good to offer God, but who have been carried along by him into this amazing life we call Rose Creek Village.
- Address
- Physical Address
- 999 Lola Whitten Rd
- Selmer, Tennessee 38375
- United States