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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.
The Priorities Institute
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- Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:
- Near 305 E Bayaud Denver
- In Denver
- In zip code 80209
- In Colorado
Mission: Sustainable Land Use Planning
We run an educational nonprofit organization and focus on moral evolution, current events, governmental structure, land use planning, and car-free city designs; see: and We create models for autoless, livable cities for eco-homes to cities up to 90,000 people. We are offering design work for eco-cities, intentional communities, and cohousing for select groups. Ideally, we'd love to have investors to create a development. We're also open to join a community, preferably an Ithaca-ecovillage-type development. We're not of a particular religion, but we are tolerant. We love reading, designing sustainable communities, well-behaved pets and kids, research and writing, visiting hip communities, educational programs, homeschooling, history, gardening, light partying, controlled drinking, silly humor, tasty foods, lotsa friends, meeting interesting folks, music, living in the here and now while reflecting on the past and planning a better future. Contact: Logan Perkins at the phone number or email address listed above.- Address
- Physical Address
- 305 E Bayaud
- Denver, Colorado 80209
- United States