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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.


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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: To create a free thinking, self-sustainable, cooperative eco community that thrives on trust, non-judgement, cooperation, and love. To be free and experience life in a fulfilling, natural, and passionate way.


We are creating a self sustainable, eco-village, homesteading community that thrives on egalitarianism (all are equal and share in the decision making), human cooperation, organic living (will grow & raise raw organic foods), aquaculture, green renewable community generated energy, & natural building practices for creating living spaces. A non-judgmental community for spiritual growth with respect for individual beliefs (open to all faiths & philosophies), promote non-violence & peaceful conflict resolution, natural health through physical fitness (including meditation, yoga), alternative healing & open to other non-traditional healing methods / herbal remedies, and encourage all to express themselves through art and music.
We are currently seeking workable property where the community can build a large community building, organic permaculture gardens/greenhouse, orchards, work sheds, and private living homes, (maybe a school house). Would like to co-op through community networking and with local farmers and craftsman.
This could grow into a teaching ecovillage that holds retreats, workshops, and seminars on this way of life. We have several other viable ideas on community business that would easily thrive (some are already established and proven successful). You should be willing to perform your share of the workload and accept individuality and uniqueness in all people. Core beliefs are to love and accept one another without judgement, strive for peace, support and care for each other, and have mutual respect for each other.
You can become a part of this awesome adventure into clean, healthy, organic living and the study of life and enlightenment. Come where you can fully express your creativity & passion. Together we can create a paradise. Let's do this!
Please contact me with questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, interest.
See us on Facebook, "next evolution cooperative" Pennsylvania.
Mission Statement: To create a self-sustainable, teaching, eco-village community where all can learn to coexist in peace & harmony, heal & be healthy, grow in spirit, & live naturally. Please contact Frank: 724-371-6824 (cell)

Physical Address
P.O. Box 463
Rochester, Pennsylvania 15074
United States