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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Dallas Cohousing

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: To create a welcoming community based on cooperation and fun.


We're growing a community of like-minded folks who'd like to live cooperatively in urban Dallas, close to DART rail.

Our goals: to be priced at market level or less, sustainable, and diverse.

Our models for living together include cohousing--homes for individual households, plenty of shared space & meals, decisions by consensus--and the ecovillage concepts of living in a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable manner.

We're interested in possibly sharing:
• work space (for those of us working from home)
• dinners
• a garden to grow some of our own food
• child care
• space for yoga, other kinds of movement
• home schooling
• cars
• a food buying club
• community-supported agriculture (CSA membership)

Our vision of retrofitting includes affordable energy efficiency and sustainability. E.g., solar-assisted hot water, rainwater reclamation, foam insulation under the roof.

Physical Address
P. O. Box 797503
Dallas, Texas 75379
United States