- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near 144 Anahata Circle Floyd
- In Floyd
- In zip code 24091
- In Virginia
We are a loving community that lives from the heart in order to create a more beautiful world.
Anahata is . . . a place of learning
renewal & healing
harmony & cooperation
authentic connection
creative expression
nature immersion
inclusive spirituality
service to all
Anahata is a loving community and gathering place situated on 35 pristine acres along the Little River in Floyd County, Virginia. We are incorporated as an education center, and consider ourselves to be a nature sanctuary as well.
Since 1995, we have explored the sacred interrelation of people, nature and the cosmos. We have striven to create a sustainable and mutually thrivant connection with nature and each other.
CO-ENLIGHTENING KINDNESS ~ We practice being fully present to one another, deep listening, truthful sharing, and mutual encouragement. We commit to loving communication and skillful conflict resolution, supporting and one another to do and be our best.
SELF-DISCOVERY ~ We explore the inner dimension of self, cultivating a humble heart, ‘beginner’s mind’, self-reflection, self-responsibility, self-empowerment, self-healing, and self-actualization.
CO-EMPOWERMENT ~ We share responsibility and leadership, each person making a significant contribution to the overall vision and activities of the community, with consensus decision-making wherever practical.
SACREDNESS ~ We deepen in our chosen spiritual paths, find our place within nature/the cosmos, commune together in spiritual brother-sisterhood, serve the greater good, and celebrate the deeper meanings, rhythms and passages of life.
CREATIVITY & CELEBRATION ~ We flourish through the arts in our playful ‘renaissance community’, which cultivates merrymaking and creative expression through song, music, dance, visual arts, games, crafts, and the practice of living fully in each moment. Co-enlivening!
LEARNING & EVOLUTION ~ We strive beyond our current parameters of understanding to embody the dynamic flow of new ideas, skills and attitudes that will enable collective evolution, while appreciating our individual dreams and perspectives, styles of expression, and unique contributions to the common good.
HOLISTIC WELL-BEING ~ We strive for a mostly organic, whole food, locally sourced diet, active lifestyles, connection to nature, and use a variety of holistic healing modalities to cultivate full-spectrum well-being.
ECOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY ~ We work toward ecological sustainability through permaculture landscaping, organic gardening, food preserving, wildcrafting, green construction methods, alternative energy production, supporting the local economy, and more.
ECONOMIC THRIVANCE ~ We seek individual and collective economic well-being, through stewardship of various enterprises, including our educational and guest programs and member-initiated cottage industries. We encourage economic self-responsibility and autonomy while celebrating expressions of interdependence as we share resources and simplify our lives, in gratitude for present moment abundance.
CONNECTION & SHARING ~ We reach out to others, sharing our many gifts, network within the local and global new-paradigm community, and create space for the larger community to gather to celebrate, learn and share.
In 2017-2018, we are pursuing the following collective initiatives:
Generating more of our own food through expansion of our organic gardens and edible landscapes.
Beautifying our landscape for greater ease and enjoyment of the land.
Increasing the flow of visitors to Anahata by enhancing our guest spaces and programs.
Increasing the number of living spaces on the land — finishing a cabin, yurt and a tiny house – for increased guest or member capacity.
Planning for additional solar and gassifier renewable energy sources to be installed on the land in the next one-four years.
Developing a long-term legal/financial strategy that includes member land-home ownership and collective stewardship of shared land.
Calling in members who are aligned with our vision and ready to become land and home owners.
Building community by holding twice-weekly community business-connection meetings, and sharing three or more community meals per week.
Contributing 5+ hours of community service per member per week, with frequent work parties/teams.
Hosting frequent circles and classes/events, quarterly retreats, and seasonal rituals and celebrations.
Gathering with other communities in the area to share our collective stories, wisdom and strategies for successful community living.
Learning how to more deeply support one another’s growth by exploring different modalities of connection and communication.
- Address
- Physical Address
- 144 Anahata Circle
- Floyd, Virginia 24091
- United States