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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.
Eureka Institute
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- Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:
- Near 6162 Eureka Rd Sagle
- In Sagle
- In zip code 83860
- In Idaho
Mission: Retreat Center
The Eureka Institute supports life-long learning and leadership through education, experiential and recreational activities. The Eureka Center, our stunning facility in North Idaho, is the premiere lifelong learning and leadership
center in the Inland Northwest. It’s an intimate, secluded gathering place where we emphasize skill building, self discovery, and respect for the natural world.
We are looking for people who are interested is living a retreat center lifestyle as well as being interested in the Eureka Institute programming. We can offer housing and a small stipend in exchange for running our garden and managing some events.
Programs are specifically designed to promote community involvement by providing opportunities to nurture and foster the over-all well being of each individual while exploring synergistic group interactions.
Please visit our website, for a better understanding of of our organization and facility.
- Address
- Physical Address
- 6162 Eureka Rd
- Sagle, Idaho 83860
- United States