Island Artisans
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- Cooperative Maine Business Alliance
Meet the neighbors:
- Near 119 Main St. Northeast Harbor
- In Northeast Harbor
- In zip code 04662
- In Maine
In 1982 a group of local Maine artists came together to create Island Artisans, a retail shop dedicated to showcasing the best of Maine arts and crafts. In this tradition, we continue to present our own new designs each season as well as the finest original works of over 100 of Maine’s leading artisans. Our unique collection can be seen at our original 99 Main Street shop located in Bar Harbor, as well as our 119 Main Street shop in Northeast Harbor. The galleries are managed by five of the original artists: Margaret Bundy, Abigail Goodyear, Sue Hill, Chong Lim, and Cherie Magnello.
See Address
- Physical Address
- 119 Main St.
- Northeast Harbor, Maine 04662
- United States
- Phone
- (207) 288-4214
- Website