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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Nautilus Corps

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: To create a loving and supportive environment for people with severe and chronic social anxiety and/or avoidant personality disorder.


The community is based on helping people with severe social anxiety. It will be made up of 8-12 community members that will do nearly everything together except work. During business hours everyone will go out to their individual jobs in the community.

To free ourselves from depression, anxiety, and avoidance we will make and follow a detailed schedule every day. We will wake up, exercise, cook and eat breakfast, have a morning check in, go to work, cook and eat dinner, have a group therapy session, and have planning and practical meetings.

This community is for people who want to stop escaping their life and start living life to its fullest! As such we will seek to avoid escapist behavior such as drugs, mass media and entertainment, binge-eating, etc. Technology will be sharply curtailed in the house. There will be no TV except for special occasions. Laptops and phones are allowed but they are only to be used for specific tasks and not for entertainment.

Many people with severe social anxiety and depression also suffer from other conditions such as general anxiety, ADHD, bipolar, body image issues, self harm, drug addiction etc. When you first come to the community you may already have a job or you may be in such a state that you are unemployable. We will build you up and in a few months you will be ready to get a job.

Physical Address
Eugene, Oregon
United States