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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Amrit Yoga Institute

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: The Amrit Yoga Institute is nestled in the Ocala National Forest on Lake Kerr, an ideal site for the inward journey of spirituality and conscious awareness.

The Amrit Method incorporates Patanjali’s 8 limbs of yoga in all aspects of life. You will learn how to practically apply the formal practice of asana, pranayama and meditation in your work life and personal life thereby transforming unconscious ego reactions into skillful conscious responses.


The Amrit Yoga Institute is nestled in the Ocala National Forest on Lake Kerr, an ideal site for the inward journey of spirituality and conscious awareness.

Seva is a yoga practice that literally means selfless service. Through the various seva programs, The Amrit Yoga Institute offers training in the authentic spiritual teachings of yoga through the Integrative Amrit Methods developed by Gurudev. This is a rare opportunity to study directly from a world-renowned yoga master who is known as a pioneer in bringing the spiritual teachings of yoga from India to the West.

You will learn to return to the present moment where you are integrated and undivided, and what you say, do and feel are in alignment. Washing pots, answering phones, making videos, chopping vegetables and vacuuming rugs will take on new form. In the spirit of selfless service, every sheet folded can be a vehicle of transformation; every pot washed provides an opportunity to move closer to the Source of love by letting go of habituated conditions and judgments.

In addition to your studies with Gurudev, his disciples, and senior teachers, you will live among a community of thirty to forty staff and volunteers. Through the practice of seva, or selfless service, you will have the opportunity to apply your training and practice to work and interpersonal relationships.

Not only will you learn to apply a spiritual lifestyle in all that you do, you will learn a variety of practical skill sets as you rotate through our various departments of operation.

Physical Address
23855 NE County Rd 314
Fort McCoy, Florida 32134
United States