The Cascadia Society for Social Working
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near 351 West 19th Street North Vancouver
- In North Vancouver
- In zip code V7M 1X7
- In British Columbia
Mission: The vision of the Cascadia Society is to develop a sustainable community together with people with developmental disabilities and to bring about the possibility for each person in the community to develop their innate potential.
We live, play and work within the urban setting of North Vancouver to accomplish this. The community celebrates the striving of the human spirit in many ways. We honour the contribution each person makes to the community.
Our vision requires both a healthy residential community and a vibrant centre for artisan crafts, training and therapy. Currently this encompasses a community of five homes and a Centre dedicated to the development of the potential of each individual.
Cascadia is a life-sharing community. Its home is the urban setting of Vancouver’s North Shore, with several residences and a day centre. Cascadia is more than just a job or a safe place to spend a few hours each day. It is a way of life where each participant can make a meaningful contribution to the community, and where challenges are provided for everyone to grow in dignity and freedom to the fullest potential. Cultural, artistic and therapeutic experiences are provided through residential home care and day activities within the urban setting of Vancouver’s North Shore. By emphasizing the practical elements of life, skills are developed and matured. Beauty and order help to create a healthy soul atmosphere.The coworkers responsible to the Cascadia Society have a background, ongoing education, or experience in curative education, youth guidance, or social therapy. They follow the principles of Anthroposophy developed by Rudolf Steiner, Ph.D., and the principles of the Camphill Movement, founded by Karl König, M.D. Their work is carried out as a freely given effort to care for the well-being of that inviolable human spirit within all of us, regardless of ability level.
Through meaningful activities, a healing environment, and truly human companionship, the Cascadia Society encourages each person to master their own life. This mastery occurs in the context of family, community and society. By emphasizing both independence and interdependence, Cascadia promotes individuals to become dignified and effective citizens in the community.
The Cascadia Society is a Camphill community and a member of the Camphill Association of North America.
- Address
- Physical Address
- 351 West 19th Street
- North Vancouver, British Columbia V7M 1X7
- Canada