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(if we've garbled it, blame us not them)
Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.
Tuatha-carrig Tiny Home Eco-village
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- Fellowship for Intentional Community
Mission: to become a village of earth conscious members, that dwell in harmony with the environment, and each other...
above all... to do no harm.
Potential community of Tiny Home owners, that seek a location to dwell together within the bounds of a veganlifestyle. We are presently forming, although, property has been located that will accommodate up to 7 Tiny Homes. There will be a focus on sustainable permaculture, holistic living, and the vegan principles for all public interaction.
It is our intention to also have a Forest School Cooperative, for up to 16 students, located at the community. This should be operational by Spring, 2017.
The greenhouses and gardens will be communal. Some tools and equipment, may in the future, be collectively owned and used. Home sizes will be restricted to no more than 400 sq ft, per unit, regardless of occupancy. More than one THOW is permitted for each family with children or anyone operating a business from a second unit. All units must be mobile.
- Address
- Physical Address
- Columbia, Missouri
- United States