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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

The Vandwellings

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: People should be free to live in vehicles that they turn into homes. Box trucks and buses have plenty of square feet, and creative DIY can convert a vehicle into a happy home. When authority asks, you can call it an art space, a sculpture, or a flightless bird.

Let's get together and buy a place to park, so we can have a place to become our true selves.


"The Vandwellings" is only a concept. I want to turn a box truck into a house. I want to gut a van, and turn it into a hangout pod. I want to split the cost of land with like-minded wingnuts.

Do you want to own some space where you can build a vehicle-based home? Do you want to live on a bus? Do you want to stop wasting money on rent and start having a garden?

If any of this sounds interesting, then we should talk or type to each other. I want to find a few other people with similar ideas to start talking and formulate a plan.

Physical Address
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States