Data from: (if we've garbled it, blame us not them)

Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

South of Monadnock Community

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: This group strives to live well together in a way that supports and challenges us to live into our best selves, collectively and individually. We are working towards our best vision for the future and to honor this property’s history by building authentic community consistent with Quaker practices and principles that prioritizes purposeful, joyful living, peacework, place-based education and Earth stewardship, including diverse, sustainable agriculture and wild-space conservation.


As the purchasers of the Meeting School property, this group strives to build authentic community that is consistent with Quaker principles and practices, and which honors the Meeting School legacy of place-based education, peacework, spiritual seeking, simple living, and long-term commitment to Earth stewardship, including diverse, sustainable agriculture.

When we gather, we do so with an understanding that there is a truth greater than any individual. We gather as a community to listen to each other and to listen for the best and right direction, not merely relying on the superficial form of Friends’ business practice, but honoring these as structures that give space and dignity for decisions that are obedient to what is true, above what we want either collectively or individually. While some members recognise the Divine as the root of our seeking, and others do not, we respect worship, and non-worship, in all forms. We value a diversity of perspectives in all things because we strive to be open to the truths that may come from any voice among us.

We hold education as a core mission of this community. As witnessed by the best work of the Meeting School, education extends well beyond the classroom. Learning should not be limited to any age; truth can arise anywhere; and any of us can be the student, any of us the teacher. The best education is place-based, attuned to natural cycles and wisdom, and serves to cultivate and empower a stronger, more thoughtful, responsible, cooperatively-minded citizenry. We commit to being open to the sharing of ideas and knowledge within and beyond this community, and, as we are able, to supporting educational projects or enterprises that might arise within our membership.
Furthermore, as a group, we recognise the inevitable limitations of our small residential community; we value wisdom from outside of our immediate membership, and commit to seeking expertise and support from outside of our community that will help us better live into all aspects of our mission.

Physical Address
Rindge, New Hampshire
United States