The Love Plan
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near Mount Dora
- In Mount Dora
- In Florida
Mission: Our philosophical pillars include Anarchism/Libertarian Socialism, "Mollison's Permaculture", "Compassionate Communication", and "Natural Hygiene". Specifics include a low-fat raw vegan diet, organic gardening, and home-schooling.
The Love Plan is currently a single homestead in Mount Dora, FL which would like to grow into an eco-neighborhood of homesteads sharing a healthy lifestyle. Our definition of a healthy lifestyle includes self-sufficiency, sustainability, and promoting universal wellbeing. Nearby homesteads occasionally come up for sale and we would like to have neighbors who are like-minded including self-sufficient in food and energy. Even better if you have children.The homestead behind ours, at 321 E 11th Ave, Mount Dora, FL, is available for sale as of August 2017. We would like someone to buy this property behind ours, so we can share the lifestyle with them. You can contact us with questions about the neighborhood.
We have one to several of each of these fruiting trees/plants: Ambarella, Avocado, Banana, Blackberry, Blueberry, Calamondin, Canistel, Cashew, Che, Cherry of the Rio Grande, Chestnut, Fig, Grape, Grapefruit, Grumichama, Guava, Jujube, Lime, Loquat, Lychee, Mamey Sapote, Mandarin, Mango, Mulberry, Orange, Papaya, Pawpaw, Persimmon, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Rollinia, Sapodilla, Strawberry, Sugar Apple, Watermelon, White Sapote.
Our pawpaw collection now includes eight asimina parviflora, two asimina obovata, and two asimina triloba.
See our forest garden spreadsheets here: If you want to maintain your own public forest garden spreadsheets at the Love Plan website, email us. This is all about sharing the folk wisdom that we want set in a global tradition for the centuries.
- Address
- Physical Address
- Mount Dora, Florida
- United States