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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

perma Nomadbase north lower Austria (osterreich

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: looking for you, to live together. with 2-4 people or more people.
For the New-Eco-spot near Hardegg, habinger house.

small- Nomad base-forming-from spring next may/june 2016

Ghandi said, why get you food (and the rest of your stuff you need from far, while we can make it our self ! SWADESHI

dana (economy) society - Dharma, and NAMASTE

The 2Gether team, Learning by doing (exploring sharing is giving

live without (less) money, more 2gether (self) sustainable/sufficient off the grid


What do we just have just almost all in common, our desire to live in Austria.
And share perhaps the wish to live in north europe summers and winters south.

In order to set up -and live,
life, work in- an ecological village together. there are convergences we organise in holland and (austria in the future)

We are looking to start with 1-2 extra persons, next summer in austria.

for the south europe part (winters)

We are still in the initial phase and think that at this point it is essential that the group expands.

3-6 are enough first to set up an ecological community (and later perhaps it could be in a network a ecovillage.
working together with surrounding projects.

For this we are making a tour in february 2016 around 5-10 (nomad) bases in north and central portugal

Join us, the greater the chance will be that our dreams will come true!
we are a group of all ages !

all with the wish, to live together, in the nature more. ! Communication is very importanted !

Do you know somebody, who have these ideas, or dreams as well ?
Ecological (permaculture / ((bushcraft living off the land)

We dont want to live disconnected from the rest of the world

Try to be so sustainable as possible, 7-10 hours working together in a week.

Physical Address
Pleissing, Niederösterreich 02083