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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Vegetarian Sanctuary - A Prepper Haven

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community

Mission: Living Food & Energy Self-Reliant Lifestyles at this Prepper Haven, Vegetarianism, Cooperation, Education to the public


We're Daniel and Patti EarthStewards, a vegetarian couple who have been long time Homesteaders, Preppers and Communitarians. We've lived a back-to-the-land food and energy self-reliant lifestyle since 1990, with a previous study of these lifestyles and preparations since the late 70's.

We seek Co-Founders for a collectively run vegetarian Eco village and a Prepper Haven we'd like to call a Vegetarian Sanctuary.

At Vegetarian Sanctuary our wish is to co-create with a unified voice and make enduring alliances. Our goals are to restore sustainable lifestyles, to live close to the land, and to teach the right use of our planets limited resources.

We realized years ago the importance of preparing for social, political, economic and environmental changes which are unfolding. Recently we felt it was time to organize a Prepper Haven on our farm located north of Spokane, WA.

The Hopi advice we tap into as a guide for this Haven can be read at:

Especially significant to us are the questions the Hopi asked...

"What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where are you living? Where is your water?" Also..."Know your garden".

We at Vegetarian Sanctuary have been asking ourselves the same type of questions since the late 1970's. We're as prepared as any intentional community could be to positively respond to these questions.

Our intention with Vegetarian Sanctuary is to establish an embankment to grab hold of, where vegetarian Preppers of good will may gather together when the rivers of change are sweeping us all downstream. And like the Hopi advised, we're reaching out to see who would like to be there with us.

We're serious about THRIVING in this time of uncertainty and have planned for the dollar collapse, earth changes and civil unrest. If you, like us, are feeling that weird vibe and sense something is coming, but you cannot put your finger on it, then you have met the right people to talk to about this at Vegetarian Sanctuary. We are doers, not talkers, and we want to be joined by those of like mind.

Physical Address
Eastern Washington State Region, Washington 99009-9695
United States