The Tribe of Kelta
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
Mission: We seek to build understanding between ancient and contemporary life ways by blending modern technologies and proven traditional skills with a natural tribal social structure.
We are for any who wish to support or be a part of an autonomous association of like-minded, free-thinking individuals and families bonded by oath to each other and united voluntarily in body & spirit as the Tribe of Kelta. For the purpose of not only mutual support and protection but to belong to something greater than one's self and become family as sons and daughters of the Keltan tribe for the generations to come.
The founding of a modern tribe.
If you are a prepper, survivalist, disgruntled vet/patriot or one of the disillusioned, disenfranchised, angry and oppressed masses who no longer claim loyalty to self serving governments and their corporate slave system. You are not alone.
I've been working on an idea for a group for a few years. The group would consist of individuals, couples and families who take a personal oath of mutual protection, mutual support, loyalty to each other and to the tribe. Socially it would have a tribal structure and it's members would function as an extended family.
A group (tribe) of this nature would easily absorb the best ideas and methods of other successful groups into it's own culture making it stronger and more efficient. In any situation whether it be a economic collapse, earth changes, political unrest, societal breakdown or just the daily problems and stress of life, the tribe will be there to give help and support. Through our work and play, good times and bad, our oaths to each other and the tribe as a whole will be an unbreakable bond. This will establish an environment to provide the group support necessary for every member to attain his or her highest potential for happiness, security and personal growth.
In addition to forming the tribe and building our unique culture, our goal is to acquire land by purchase or donation to establish a tribal community for our members who wish. Over time we hope to build a regional, national and eventually a global network of connected, self-sufficient communities.
In these communities we will practice permaculture to live in harmony our environment and have as little unnecessary permanent impact on the land as possible. Our communities will take advantage of all useful technologies and products available such as solar, wind and water power systems, Aquaponics, Internet, communications, etc. to optimize our efficiency, comfort, and effectiveness.
Through our daily interactions, social interdependence and devotion to tribe and self, we will foster a viable lasting culture for our children and generations to come.
I'm currently in the beginning phases of this endeavor, and seeking interested open minded individuals, couples, and families to join and participate in its forming or just help by brainstorming this vision with us. Tell us about yourself, skills, past experience, and any other things you can offer to the tribe during its forming and infancy.
When replying please note any helpful knowledge or experience in the following areas.
1. Social Media ( Facebook, YouTube etc. ).
2. Non-Profit Organizations ( Establishing, Operation, Fund Raising, etc. ).
3. Finance/Marketing.
4. Business Management.
5. Real Estate/Property Law.
6. Any work with Intentional Communities.
7. Civil/Criminal Law.
8. Security/Military.
9. Bushcraft/Survival.
I have set up a forum ( ) for those who are interested in neo-tribalism and to aid in the communication and networking between people interested in being a part of this or who are just curious and want to add to one of the topics.
- Address
- Physical Address
- Elyria, Ohio
- United States