Bohn Farm Cohousing Community of Art and Farming
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near 541 Jefferson Ave. Louisville
- In Louisville
- In zip code 80027
- In Colorado
Mission: This community is newly combined with Bohn Farm Cohousing Community: 40 homes and CSA farm and commercial kitchen on a site commercially zoned including art-making spaces. New mission and values not yet completed.
Previous Artists Cohousing Mission:
To live, work, and share art in a supportive sustainable artists cohousing environment. To share art resources and the art experiences with others.
Draft Values:
New VALUES 2nd draft July 2014:
1. Living, working, and creating art, including commerce supportive of artists
2. Valuing community, family, and individual comfort, autonomy, and privacy
3. Respecting different spaces: Private, Shared Art Spaces, Village Commons, Public
4. Community outreach to support artists and create art opportunities
5. Affordability -- Include low-income artists
6. Including visual arts, performing arts, music, fine crafts, film, literary arts
7. Economically sustainable co-housing community and living practices
8. Consciousness about our environmental impact
9. Sharing duplicative resources
10. Being an Art Destination.
A cohousing community not just for permaculture farming and for artists and art-lovers too: music, visual arts, performing arts, theatre, media, literary – all arts. An arts and farming village is becoming a reality in 2017 in beautiful Boulder County, Colorado. This is a cohousing community -- a place to live as a community and share interests and resources. Potential permaculture resources include a 2 acre CSA farm. Art resources include art-related home businesses and community businesses, kilns and workshops for sculptors, studio space, recording studio, stage, gallery, art events, practice and performing spaces. Call to find our more and to get involved. Sign up for our Meetup at
- Address
- Physical Address
- 541 Jefferson Ave.
- Louisville, Colorado 80027
- United States