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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Innisfree Village

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: Lifesharing Community with adults with Intellectual Disabilities on a 550 acre farm in Central Virginia.


Nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, Innisfree Village was founded in 1971 as a creative alternative for adults with intellectual disabilities (coworkers). We are a service-oriented community located on 550 acres about 20 miles from Charlottesville. Thirty-nine adults with intellectual disabilities live in 10 village houses and 2 Charlottesville houses, along with 25 full-time volunteers. The community members live together in family-style homes and work together in our workstations. The gardens, weavery, woodshop, kitchen, and bakery give meaning to our lives as therapeutic work, as well as practical, purposeful work.

Our volunteer "staff," many of whom come from overseas, work and live together with coworkers, helping with their personal care, running a household, and working in the workstations. We ask for a one-year minimum commitment from volunteers, and offer room, board and a monthly stipend.

Innisfree is a registered nonprofit corporation, governed by a board of directors. There is an executive director and two assistant directors. There are many decisions of daily life that are made by consensus, but there are also certain decisions made by the board or the director. We are not an egalitarian community, and our mission is to create and support a life of respect, empowerment, and creativity for persons with special needs.

If interested in becoming a volunteer, please write for more information. Visitors are welcome if arrangements are made in advance.

Physical Address
5505 Walnut Level Rd
Crozet, Virginia 22932-1633
United States

Organization Type