Sirius Community
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near 72 Baker Rd Shutesbury
- In Shutesbury
- In zip code 01072
- In Massachusetts
Mission: A non-profit educational organization offering sustainable living programs for the public, and a spiritual community demonstrating attunement to nature and ecologically based lifestyles.
Sirius is a spiritual community, educational center, and ecovillage founded in 1978 by former members of the Findhorn Community in Scotland. It is one part of an expanding network of light, working to increase the consciousness of humanity.
Sirius is a demonstration center of spiritual principles based on respect for the individual and cooperation with nature, seeing the divinity in all life. We are committed to living our lives with spiritual integrity recognizing that we are all in a process of growth with every experience in our life offering valuable lessons. We honor the highest truths common to all religions, and our unity in diversity is a source of inspiration for visitors and members. Meditation and attunement are central to our life together.
Sirius also demonstrates ecological ways of living, including organic food production, solar and environmentally friendly building practices, and electrical generation using solar, wind, and vegetable oil. We recycle waste materials, build and use composting toilets, collect and filter used vegetable oil for operating our vegetable-oil burning cars and trucks, and choose to live less polluting, less consumptive lifestyles. Healing of the planet is of primary importance to us, and we are members of the Global Ecovillage Network.
As a nonprofit educational corporation, Sirius offers workshops and seminars and hosts programs for the public. Day and overnight visitors are also welcome; please call to make arrangements.
- Address
- Physical Address
- 72 Baker Rd
- Shutesbury, Massachusetts 01072-9703
- United States