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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Woodburn Hill Farm

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: Earth Based -- Economical Living


Woodburn Hill Farm is a unique sanctuary for her busy residents. Founded in 1975, WHF’s 128 acres of fields and forest rest gently among neighboring traditional Amish farms. Yet, located in southern Maryland about 40 miles southeast of the nation’s capital, we have the opportunity to experience its social, cultural, and political diversity.

Lifestyles here reflect our values of cooperative and ecological living, diversity, and nonviolence. We meet regularly to conduct necessary business and occasionally to share our hearts and concerns for better community process and communication. Decisions are made through consensus. We often celebrate earth cycles at equinox, solstice, cross-quarter days like Samhain and Beltane, etc.

Presently our eclectic, multiracial group brings many talents home. We are artists, teachers, acupuncture and massage therapists, and chimneysweeps. And yoga instructors, antique dealers, RNs, and musicians. Some are activists, writers, and environmentalists.

We hold the land through a Chapter S corporation. Residents are encouraged, though not required, to become shareholders. All pay a monthly “rent” that usually covers our operating costs. Our six residences run the spectrum from 50-year-old Amish farmhouses to renovated chicken houses to modular geothermal-heated dwellings.

While WHF is an established cooperative, we seek to grow more sustainable. With this awareness, we strive to become better in building community and are in search of like-minded innovators. We are open to youthful energies of all ages—singles, couples, families.

Our preference is for inquiries from people who live nearby in VA, DC, and MD, especially folks who value cooperative living, ecological and social justice, spirituality, and collaborative working.

Please call or email us to explore more about Woodburn Hill Farm. And check us out on Facebook.

Physical Address
27290 Woodburn Hill Rd
Mechanicsville, Maryland 20659
United States