Common Place Land Cooperative
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near 4211 State Route 13 Truxton
- In Truxton
- In zip code 13158
- In New York
Mission: We are ecologically inhabiting and stewarding the land as a Community Land Trust, using consensus decision making.
Common Place Land Cooperative is a 432-acre, rural land trust community located in the rolling hills of central New York State. It was founded in 1980. We are currently 22 adults and three children. We have evolving into a small-scale community aimed at greater cooperation and food and energy self-sufficiency. Fourteen homesteads have been created on the land, seven of which are off the grid, and most are using alternative energy of varying types and alternative design. Over the years, we have come to agreement on 11 core ideals, which define and guide our community, including land stewardship and trusterity, economic self-reliance, diversity, consensus decision making, community participation, and voluntary simplicity.
Members have diverse views and interests. As a community we are not affiliated with any political or religious organization. Some of our varied individual interests include organic gardening, homesteading, organic farming, perennial garden design and maintenance, permaculture, alternative energy and house design, attachment parenting, homeschooling, the arts and music, natural and herbal healing, draft horse use, yoga and activism.
Our decision-making process consists of one to two meetings per month using consensus. We are working to create a cohesive community that inhabits the land, preserving its integrity and resources. For more information, and to set up a visit, send a SASE or an email and a description of yourself and your interests in community.
- Address
- Physical Address
- 4211 State Route 13
- Truxton, New York 13158-3141
- United States