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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Greyrock Commons

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: cohousing community


Greyrock Commons is located on 16 acres of land about three miles northwest of "Old Town" Fort Collins, Colorado. A cohousing community, Greyrock includes 30 energy efficient townhomes of various sizes clustered on six acres, each with its own small private yard or garden. The remaining 10 acres include a community garden, chicken coop and yard, sheds, a natural area, fruit trees, and beehives.

As we began our planning process, we developed this mission statement:
We are a group of people seeking to build a cohesive, cooperative community based on respect, responsibility, and shared human and material resources.
We encourage and accept a diverse membership, representing a variety of ages, professional, family structure, and ethnic, cultural, and spiritual backgrounds.
We understand that building community is a fluid, evolving process to which each of us contributes. As we move along this path, we expect course corrections and value learning from our missteps.
We are dedicated to consensus decision making.
We value living lightly on the earth and pledge the wise use of our natural resources. We also value a sense of family with each other and relationship with the larger community, a safe environment for growing and learning, and privacy balanced with cooperative living.
We therefore join together to create, nurture, and sustain a cohousing community in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Physical Address
2265 Shooting Star Lane
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
United States