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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

High Cove

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: living well, with respect for others and for the land


High Cove is a community in the mountains of western North Carolina, focused on the environment, the arts and sciences, and lifelong learning. We are creating a sustainable community that fosters rich and lasting human relationships and provides a place for people of all ages and backgrounds to live, learn, and share experience––while preserving the land, water, and native plants and animals. High Cove includes a forest preserve, organic farm site, and trails along creeks and ridge tops. There are two neighborhoods, and a mixed-use village center is planned. High Cove is located less than an hour from downtown Asheville, near the renowned Penland School of Crafts, in an area alive with potters, woodworkers, and other crafts workers.
Building sites for homes and studios are available. Development standards call for green homes that conserve energy and natural resources. Sites allow for passive solar, and renewable energy is encouraged. Small (and tiny) houses are welcome. Rental housing is available, but goes quickly.
A small, mixed-use village center is planned. This “main street” is called Castanea Street in honor of the magnificent tree that was decimated by blight. By planting chestnut trees, we will help bring the chestnut back to this region. Land is also set aside for an organic farm, and community garden plots for residents.
In addition to caring for the natural environment, High Cove supports the human environment with a variety of public and civic spaces. These gathering places are the foundation of neighboring, and build the social capital that makes great communities. We seek diversity in age, income, and background. LGBTQ welcome.
We would welcome the opportunity to partner with folks who are interested in creating co-housing at High Cove.


Physical Address
Bakersville, North Carolina
United States