Canopy Cohousing
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
Mission: Our vision is to build and live in a multigenerational community that:
- Fosters meaningful connections through supportive relationships
- Creates and maintains a healthy and ecologically sustainable urban development
- Demonstrates innovative, attractive cohousing
- Inspires communities to build the housing they need.
We are a growing group of people in downtown Toronto pursuing the development of a cohousing community and actively seeking new members.
We come together with like-minded people to live simply, peacefully, and co-operatively. We want to live meaningful lives and be connected to and supported by those around us. We want our children in a safe and nurturing environment. We believe in an ecologically sustainable lifestyle and incorporate environmentally responsible choices as often as possible.
We cherish and support diverse ages, ethnicities, interests, abilities, incomes, relationships and spiritual beliefs. We strive to be conscious of our words and actions and to be mindful in all of our relationships. We are cultivating a non-judgmental environment based on compassion and acceptance. We are committed to consensus decision-making.
We are seeking a location in the central to west end area of downtown Toronto. We envision a community of 20 to 30 households with mixed unit sizes (one- two- three- and four-bedroom units). We are very interested in green building and possibly LEED certification. We would like to incorporate some affordable housing as well. Green and natural spaces are very important to us. We cherish our individual paths of growth and creativity. We hope to create a peaceful and loving home that allows for individuality and privacy while fully embracing the joys and benefits of community life.
Please contact us for more information or to come to our next information session. We look forward to connecting with you!
- Address
- Physical Address
- Toronto, Ontario
- Canada