Better Farm
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near 31060 Cottage Hill Road Redwood
- In Redwood
- In zip code 13679
- In New York
Mission: Education, Art, Sustainability
Better Farm is a sustainability education center, artist colony, and organic farm set on 65 acres in the foothills of the Adirondacks and just 10 miles from the Thousand Islands, St. Lawrence Seaway, and Canadian border. The farm's name comes from the Better Theory—a belief that every experience brings with it an opportunity for exponential personal growth.Through educational programming, artist residencies, gallery showings and events, and an ongoing commitment to sustainable living and community outreach, we strive to apply the Better Theory to all our endeavors while offering the curious an opportunity to expand, grow, and flourish.
Better Farm is also home to betterArts, a 501(c)3 non-profit whose mission is to increase access to the arts through free and low-cost artist residencies, community outreach, performances, gallery openings, festivals, private instruction, and more. The betterArts residency program seeks to provide an opportunity for creative exploration and growth to artists, writers, and musicians within the context of Better Farm's dynamic environment. Residencies are for two weeks, three weeks, or month-long periods. The standards for admission are talent, a clear project proposal, a desire to live and work at Better Farm, and a willingness to have a go at the Better Theory. See for more information.
Better Farm’s Sustainability Education Program runs in one- to three-month intervals and is available to individuals interested in a myriad of sustainability issues. Individuals are given daily chores, readings, and projects to work on, and are embedded from Day One in the local community. Those accepted to the program may visit us during the work week, or stay on-site ($500/month stipend covers food, utilities, and materials): Visit for more information.
- Address
- Physical Address
- 31060 Cottage Hill Road
- Redwood, New York 13679
- United States