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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Beverley House

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: Growth through communal living


We’re a group of people who view living in a community as something more than just being room-mates. We are looking for people – families or individuals who share our vision of co-creating a sustainable community home together.

We eat together and share in many of the household chores and expenses of living. Moreover, each house member is committed to raising his/her individual consciousness and, in doing so, developing the vitality, strength and intimacy of relationships among the whole group. Our purpose is to grow together, parent together and live together in laughter, joy and even in our suffering.

What we are offering is a system where each member participates in the communal responsibilities of the household
Each member participates in one weekly house meeting where we dialogue about interpersonal relationships, resolve conflicts and take care of logistical matters
Each member takes care of the children of the house for 10 hours/month to promote a culture of healthy attachment and mentorship for children
Cooks or prepars a vegan meal once a week so that everyone can participate
In addition to rent, pays an extra $180/month toward the grocery kitty, and $25 for a wear-and-tear fund
Takes on average two house chores a week

Currently, there are two owners of the house who are still in the role of landlords and rent is paid to them for a room, gas, hydro and internet.

Some of the texts that have been helpful in guiding us in our endeavor are: “On Dialogue” by David Bohm, “Getting the Love You Want” by Harville Hendrix, “Concious Loving” by Gay and Kathlyn Hendricks, “The Anatomy of Peace” by the Arbinger Institute, “The Continuum Concept” by Jean Liedloff, “Hold on to Your Kids” by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Mate, “Free at Last” – the Sudbury Valley model of free and democratic education, the work of M. Scott Peck on community, the work of A.H. Almaas on spirituality and, most recently, “The Presence Process” by Michael Brown

(Please note: none of us are extremists and we haven’t all read these books – we share in our knowledge and practice with each other and respect the different paths each of us are on and the different ways each of us learn to come to higher levels of concsiousness and closeness with each other).

Physical Address
Toronto, Ontario