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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Micah's House

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: Life Together


We exist as a Christ-centered, egalitarian intentional community in Birmingham, AL pursuing pillars of hospitality, nonviolence, discipleship and simplicity in our neighborhood of East Lake.

Micah's House was birthed out of an artistic collective called Emuna. Through Emuna we began our journey of pursuing a consistent life ethic, confronting the challenging parts of our unexamined lives and making decisions in order to embody the faith we all claim. Six of us moved into a huge house on the Southside of town but through many transformative experiences that have challenged virtually every part of us, individually and communally, we have settled and started to grow roots in East Lake, Birmingham. In September 2012 we acquired a house in South East Lake, and in April of 2013 we dedicated the Ambrose/Sales House to the work of the community in memory of our friends, Rick Ambrose and Dick Sales - both tireless advocates for peace and justice in Birmingham and around the world.

As part of our shared life together, each week we set aside Monday and Thursday nights for community dinner at 7:00 PM - all are welcome. Additionally, on Saturday evenings, as we are able, we peace vigil with a group of veteran peacemaker friends in Birmingham's 5 Points South at 5PM, followed by dinner at New China Town at 6PM. Frequently we partner with PHADP, JAM, Pax Christi, Mary's House, Arise, ACIJ and GBM in pursuit of justice for all Alabamians.

At times Micah's House has consisted of as many as eight adults and three children living and sharing a common life together. At present, the community is in a time of transition as the majority of community members are in the process of pre-arranged moves necessitated by previous commitments and future endeavors. As a result, we have space available for new short-term and long-term residents and those interested in pursuing our life together. For more information, read through "Our Life Together" ( if you feel you may be interested in connecting with us. Also, check out the "Rule" tab of our website, where you can find our communal commitments, our shared values and vision documented. In essence we seek to holistically embody the gospel: loving God, loving each other, loving our neighbor.

Visitors are welcome, if you are interested in coming please contact us at

Physical Address
Birmingham, Alabama
United States