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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

The Primal Village

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: sustainable community focused on Permaculture, Wild Edibles, Alternative energy production, Natural building techniques, etc.


This year we hope to be building several small Cob homes. If you are interested in helping and are OK with primitive camping with facilities on-site, do get in contact with us because we would love the help.

Bringing the intentional village and Primal skills together in one place for exceptional living and thriving in health, attitude, relationships and economy.

The primal Village will be an Intentional Community comprised of individuals and families who's main goal in life is to live life without depending on the rest of the world for survival or existence, who are aware and accepting of Polyamory (you don't need or have to be Polyamorous).

You will find that most of these people will be trying to live the four R's (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle). The reasons will be varied, some may live this life style because it is cost effective, others for the Planet, etc.

Members will most generally be interested in Alternative Energy production, Eliminating GMO foods from their diet, growing their own food (Wild Edibles, vegetables, meat, fruit), building their own Natural (locally obtainable natural resources) buildings/homes and many more similar ideas and lifestyles that result in not needing to buy anything.

If you are or know someone that might be interested in helping out with the formation and implementation of this project (planning, strategy, building, etc.), contact me.

Physical Address
1776 Dove Drive
Quinlan, Texas 75474
United States