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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Serenity House

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community

Mission: Serenity House aspires to create a healing community that is based on compassion and service to humanity using Non-Violent Communication, ancient yogic teachings and local indigenous healing practises.
We strive to be as self sufficient as possible and live in harmony with the earth and our neighbors, we grow our own food and share our healing wisdom with our local community so that they may thrive as well and distribute moringa as a way to sustain the health of all peoples and our own economic well being.


Serenity House is located 12 km outside of Alto Paraiso, Goias, Brazil, near the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park.
The town (population: 7,000) is in the world’s most biologically rich savannah ecosystem, with scenery that simultaneously conjures the vast plains of Africa and the rippling mountains of Kauai. Scattered about are hundreds of waterfalls, many flowing into river pools that are warm enough to swim in and clean enough to drink from. The region’s geology also comes with the requisite mystical component: Just beneath the soil is the world’s largest crystal bed, allegedly so luminous that it’s visible from outer space.

We have come together to manifest from the heart, creating abundance and ease by living together in connection and harmony with the earth, building sustainable adobe or bamboo homes and practicing permaculture and biodynamic gardening.
We use natural ancient medicinal healing practises and eat pranic alive whole foods. We have an amazing abundance of GMO free and organic food in the area we live in.
We come from different cultures and backgrounds and are sharing and growing in the healing arts and using the wisdom of indigenous & yogic cultures-see more information on our website
We have a vision of acquiring the land we are currently residing on, with the intention of it being held in community trust that is set up legally to protect all share holders, yet the land will not be owned by any one person, acknowledging that the land belongs to us all as a gift.
We have enough space to accommodate 4 families comfortably as well as host volunteers and there is room to expand the community if we desire. The land can be purchased for a collective buy in fee of $12,000 per family (please contact us directly for further details) we have very rich soil for growing food and trees and building structures with adobe or bamboo.
All the water we drink and use is coming from a live spring in the mountain, we live steps away from two rivers that intersect that have very clean water. The community we live in is very small, friendly and safe, the weather is sub-tropical and the climate is pleasant all year long.
By practicing Consensus and Non-Violent Communication we aspire to grow in the challenges that arise from coming together out of domination based societies and finding new ways to live in harmony with one another through this shared living experience.
One of our collective projects is growing moringa, and we consistently are moving towards self sufficiency, barter, and other forms of exchange besides paper.
We have a process of becoming a guest first, getting to know one another for a period of 4 months and then deciding if a longer stay or integration into community is of benefit for all through consensus, we know that all people have valuable gifts to offer and we welcome you to come and share in this beautiful vision.

"When you look into the eyes of another person, you are looking into your own eyes"
In Lak´ech-Ancient Mayan gree

Physical Address
Alto Paraiso 108
Alto Paraiso, Goias, Goias