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Lydia's Magic Garden

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  • CEANYC2022
Meet the neighbors:

GreenThumb garden - Lydia’s Magic Garden is a community garden established in 1991 by Lydia Roman. Tired of seeing her community with empty lots of garbage, Roman decided to make a difference by creating beautiful gardens. Since the Mid 80’s Lydia has created three lovely gardens that have enhanced the El Barrio community. Lydia’s gardens produced organic cabbage, tomatoes, fresh mint, peppers and eggplant, in the summer. Roses, lilies, sunflowers and many other plant life grew plentifully, adding color to the neighborhood. The casitas gave members of the community a place to relax and enjoy the lovely view. Kids from local schools visit Lydia’s garden to learn about planting flowers and vegetables.

See Instagram:
Physical Address
1665 Park Avenue
New York, New York 10035
United States
Website Instagram:
