Data from: (if we've garbled it, blame us not them)

Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.


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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: Our vision is to create a safe, respectful and welcoming space, where gay men live together by building a non-judgemental community and environment based on our core values.

Our core values are

to be welcoming and open to visitors and residents
to be supportive, caring, inclusive, non-judgemental and affirmative of different residents and visitors
to live respectful, both towards nature, the environment and men
to create a safe, quiet, social and relaxing space for visitors and residents to work and live
to foster an environment that is body-, age- and sex-positive


The Quinta is a community for gay co-living, forming in Portugal. It is an intentional community, based on shared values and communal living.

Physical Address
Lisboa, Portugal