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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Baynton East Housing Collective

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: Sustainable and Satisfying Living


We are a group of 8-11 individuals (adults and kids) who make a commitment to co-housing in one big house for one year at a time; our membership can change each year, usually in June. The house is owned by a married couple who live as part of the co-op with their 2 children. We have adequate space for 11 long-term members maximum, which includes 3 two-three room suites for couples/small families, 1 "in-law quarters" apartment with private kitchen and access, and 2 single bedrooms.

We share housing to create a space to practice "mindful living" with the support and accountability of a small group. Through open dialogue and consensus-based agreements and practices, we try to understand and support one another's vocations, reduce expenses by splitting costs, reduce resource usage, and offer one another positive social support. We seek to be a safe space for people of diverse orientation, perspective and background.

Physical Address
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
United States