Fertile Intentional Community
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near vancouver
- In vancouver
- In Washington
Mission: Our mission is to help our greater community by creating a safe place where the homeless can have a warm meal and a cozy bed. A hot shower and clean clothes. A refuge for those who are down on their luck and are in need of a helping hand to get back on their feet.
From www.ic.org/directory/fertile-intentional-community/:
Fertile Intentional CommunityFreedom
Our Vision is a peaceful and harmonious community dedicated to helping not only each other but the greater community around us.
We support food sovereignty and are focused on self sustainability. Utilizing clean energy, ecologically based farming, forestry, homesteading and habitat restoration in an effort to reduce our carbon foot print. A few terms that could be used to describe our extended-family-style community would be secular, egalitarian, autonomous, sustainable and cooperative.
We appreciate the beauty and serenity of the land. Living in harmony with others working towards a common goal, personal growth, community involvement and peaceful conflict resolution. We welcome exceptionally positive and passionate people who wish to build a wonderful life stewarding the earth for not only ourselves but for future generations. We honor and respect nature. As well as nurture the harmony within ourselves and others. Working together to create a place where love and unity is essential. Living a simple lifestyle while utilizing technology such as running water, electricity, power tools, computers, etc. to benefit the community in the most efficient manner possible. Living each day to better ourselves, our community and the environment in which we will all live.
- Address
- Physical Address
- vancouver, Washington
- United States