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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Paititi Ecovillage

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community

Mission: conservation, self sustenance


Candelaria Madidi Ecológico is a community created
with the purpose of implementing ecological projects that will aid in the conservation of a 35,000 hectare territory adjacent to the most critical part of Madidi National Park. The organization is composed mainly of native people from all over Bolivia that share the interest of protecting this region through innovative eco-projects. This area is one of the most critical in the Amazon region since it's one of the last biological corridors between the Andean foothills and the Amazon plains has not been interrupted by human presence. Ironical to the enormous size of Madidi National Park, this most critical region is the least protected, being so by a thin bottleneck only fourteen kilometres wide. Candelaria Madidi is the terrain adjacent to this bottleneck and the protection of this area is of great importance. For this reason Candelaria Madidi Ecologico has been fighting to establish this area as a community owned protected area and we are now begin projects that will create funds that will allow real conservation and protection efforts to be continuously carried out.

Community status:

Ecotoursim project: A 1,000,000 dollar ecotourism project has been designed and is currently being presented to grant institutions.

Healing center and center for universal knowledge project: A project that involves creating a unified global and ancient knowledge center, a universal wisdom school, a universal healing center. This project is in the design phase.

Ecovillage status: We are looking for people interested in being part of our community. We are currently designing a community layout and are offering different ways to include new members. check the page -english under construction, check the spanish page see in which ways you can join this community.

VOLUNTEERS: We certainly need help from people interested in HELPING this project and the community happen. We welcome people with proposals on how they could help.

Physical Address
calle Rosendo Gutierrez no, 759 zona Sopocachi
Ixiamas, Abel Iturralde, La Paz 03651