The Farm Community in Summertown, Tennessee
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near 100 Farm Road Summertown
- In Summertown
- In zip code 38483
- In Tennessee
Mission: Sustainable Living, Spirituality & Social Change
The Farm is an intentional community of families and friends living on 1,750 acres in south-central Tennessee. Since its inception in 1971, the purpose of The Farm community has been to provide a secure, ecologically healthy, commonly held land base for its members and succeeding generations. It is a place where we can relate to each other and the natural environment in a sustainable way, draw upon the collective strength of the community, and contribute to the positive transformation of the world.The Farm is a spiritual community but follows no specific doctrine. Founded on the principles of nonviolence and respect for the earth, there is general agreement that all world religions share essential truths that are the moral guideposts for sanity and happiness.
Over its 40+ year history, The Farm community has established numerous nonprofit organizations as part of its mission to create positive change in the world. These include Plenty International (international relief and development), Kids To the Country (brings at-risk children to The Farm), The Ecovillage Training Center (sustainability education), Swan Conservation Trust (1425-acre nature preserve), PeaceRoots Alliance (global peace movement), and More Than Warmth (students creating peace quilts sent to children around the world), and many more. The Farm is probably best known for its midwifery program in which the sacrament of birth is considered as an inherent right of all women, newborns, and families. Both basic and advanced midwifery workshops take place throughout the year.
Approximately 200 residents and over 20 Farm businesses contribute to the maintenance and operation of the community. The community is managed by an elected board of directors along with a variety of committees staffed by volunteers. The Farm Education/Conference Center hosts conferences and is the umbrella organization for the Farm School, which offers alternative education to both resident and neighboring school-age students. GreenLife Retreats is the host of The Farm Experience Weekend and a variety of other events and activities that give visitors a more in depth way to learn about community life.