Miccosukee Land Co-op
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near 9601 Miccosukee Rd Miccosukee CPO
- In Miccosukee CPO
- In zip code 32309
- In Florida
Mission: Building a caring community
From www.ic.org/directory/miccosukee-land-co-op/:
The Miccosukee Land Cooperative (MLC) is a community of over 140 households on 344 acres east of Tallahassee, Florida. Co-op members privately own their own homesteads, which range in size from one acre to several acres each. Over 90 acres are preserved in their natural state as common land, owned collectively and enjoyed by the entire membership. Paths and boardwalks connect us to each other and to our wildlife sanctuary.
MLC members are drawn together by a common desire to live in a rural area where the land and environment are respected and interaction between neighbors is a sought-after experience. All activities (other than paying assessments for necessities such as taxes and insurance) are purely voluntary, allowing each person to choose the level of sharing and socializing he or she prefers. We are a diverse group in age, occupation, and religious practice. Many long-time members have reached retirement age, and many children who grew up here have families of their own, many still nearby or in the community. Despite busy lives, we make time to celebrate our milestones and achievements and to support one another in times of sickness or tragedy. We continually try to find more time to work, eat, talk, and sing together. We walk separate paths but we always give thanks for our land and precious community.
- Address
- Physical Address
- 9601 Miccosukee Rd
- #23A
- Miccosukee CPO, Florida 32309-9662
- United States