Conscious Life Ecumenical Union CLEU
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
Mission: Our mission is to give people a way to find others with a clue so that they can claim their spiritual identity, develop their spiritual community, and seek At-Onement. Our local outreach is a total immersion theatre called "Circus Numen" that celebrates the Universe Story and promotes the priorities of Conscious Life, including air, water, food, and energy. The CLEU offers practical resources and perspective to guide local Cleu Circles in celebrating their human rites and spiritual practices, and when ready, in becoming legal churches. Discover the power of the circle: Set an intention, share resources, and build community infrastructure right where you live. Be the clue in your community!
Our 501c3 religious organization, The Conscious Life Ecumenical Union, is here to help you find others with a clue so that you can join together to experience At-Onement by celebrating your human rites: music, art, dance, drum, song, and story, and joining together for spiritual practices, such as study, service, meditation, mentoring, and pilgrimage. Get to know other Cleu circles in your area and elsewhere. Connecting local circles with other circles will make our network strong, flexible, and resilient. As a meme, Cleu is a reminder of who we really are, where we come from, and why we're all One: Consciousness, Life, Earth, Universe. You are a miraculous, mystical being. You are the Cleu!- Address
- Physical Address
- Lakeview, Oregon
- United States