Dream River Ranch, LLC
- Fellowship for Intentional Community
- Near 8894 W Martha Ave Oasis
- In Oasis
- In zip code 83647
- In Idaho
Mission: To create a sustainable environment for multi-generational individuals and families who desire to live in harmony with nature. Where diversity, acceptance of others* and dedication to good earth stewardship is priority**.
*Conflict resolution through consensus is key to fostering leadership skills in all individuals.
**Continuing education in ways to practice sustainable living brings the past to the present and nurtures a life of fulfillment for the future.
From www.ic.org/directory/dream-river-ranch/:
Dream River Ranch is an intentional community centered on a quality horse-care facility. Horses are highly social animals. They and all our other farm and ranch animals teach us many things about living in community; and remind us daily that we truly are interdependent on the health of our human herd.
We are more than just horse lovers. We are lovers of nature first and seek others who appreciate making a social change through working cooperatively for the creation of quality and quantity in living.
Our Interconnected Circles of Creativity are: Founder’s Circle, Go-Green Building Circle, People Care Circle, Land Care Circle, and Fair Share Circle. What level of involvement is for you?
Get involved with the Dream River Ranch and share our 80-acres through apprenticeships in agriculture, equine therapy, Go-green building technologies and sustainability living practices.
- Dream River Ranch:
Describes our Community and Our Vision - Students and Horses Excel:
Experiential Equine Activiteis and Therapies performed at the Dream River Ranch 25 minutes east of Boise, ID in the rolling prairie of the old west's Oregon Trail and Overland Stage Route..
- Address
- Physical Address
- 8894 W Martha Ave
- Oasis, Idaho 83647
- United States