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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.


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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community
Meet the neighbors:

Mission: Spiritual, peace


Realizing that these guidelines rely on inspiration rather than rules:
In order to truly love and live peacefully, we are willing to recognize and relinquish all fear-driven beliefs, judgments and separate needs, supporting each other in this process. We recognize that healing occurs through forgiveness we manifest daily. We experience the simple joy & laughter that community offers, living simply as a means to this end. We choose to participate in and develop a sustainable lifestyle, composting, gardening, conserving electricity, water, fuel and other resources.
We commit to working as needed on household chores at least 5 hours each week. There is no alcohol consumption or illegal drug use in the house. Rent is paid monthly, up front. The food receipts are split at the end of the month. Food is shared by all members, taking into account individual preferences. Group meals are encouraged, those not cooking are encouraged to clean up. Decisions are reached by consensus at weekly meetings (see below); participation is expected.
Consensus - With respect for the views of all, we work to find solutions as a group for the good of the group. No one is wrong. We continue to examine all concerns until agreement is reached.
We hold weekly dinners, monthly movie nights and facilitate ACIM classes at the Peace-atorium, inviting the larger community to join us. We have sponsored a permaculture design course from April-July 2012. Check the Events Calendar on this web site or contact us for details and dates.

Physical Address
3558 Galway Rd.
Ballston Spa, New York 12020
United States