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Fellowship for Intentional Community: Our mission is to support and promote the development of intentional communities and the evolution of cooperative culture.

Transcendent Seeds of Paradise

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  • Fellowship for Intentional Community

Mission: Creating a fun, mutually beneficial, innovative, sustainable, resilient, exploratory, beautiful present and future with each other and the other lifeforms with which we share this amazing planet.


Transcendent Seeds of Paradise is an emerging eco-village and artistic community designed to facilitate sustainable, innovative, fun and inspiring ways of living and evolving. This endeavor aims to help individuals and communities transition away from the exploitive, consumptive, toxic, dominator, and self destructive relationships with each other and nature in which our culture and our species is currently entangled. This lifestyle will increase individual leisure time by reducing the need for monetary income while also providing optimal opportunities for a wide variety of social, recreational, creative, educational, technological, artistic and spiritual activities. Rather than an organization that only provides information, classes and workshops to help people transition towards a more sustainable lifestyle, this project will allow and encourage people to very easily actually experience and participate in these lifestyles, for as long as they like. Transcendent Seeds of Paradise endeavors will be geared towards local self reliance as well as building networks of supportive interdependence. Long term goals will be to create a network of eco-village/eco-communities/sanctuaries/eco-resorts that will be designed to maximize individual and community life enjoyment, fulfillment, health, self expression and self growth. This alliance will experiment, develop, practice, integrate, and teach ways of living which will help individuals and other communities to transition towards more sustainable, ecologically benevolent, healthy, creative, fun and beautiful ways of co-evolving. This community will also be a template and resource for a wide diversity of innovative lifeways that will provide a safety net to enable individuals, families, communities, cultures and countries to survive through various upcoming ecological, economical, political, and cultural challenges and changes.

Physical Address
No address yet
Still looking for a location, California
United States